P. 15


                               Sudah Dipasarkan

                                         it has been marketed                                PLN | Unit PLN | 2019 - 2021
                                                                                             PLN  | Unit PLN | 2019 - 2021

                            CHARGE.IN hadir sebagai platform aplikasi yang berupaya menjembatani segala kebutuhan atas

                            ekosistem kendaraan listrik dan SPKLU dalam hal transaksi pembayaran,  monitoring, mapping,
                            management dan histori transaksi. Sistem pembayaran pada aplikasi CHARGE.IN mengadopsi

                            sistem pembayaran pay per used sesuai sistem pembayaran kWh di Indonesia. Dalam
                            pengimplementasiannya, aplikasi ini menggunakan OCPP Server yang berfungsi menjembatani

                            komunikasi antara protokol charger dengan central system dan data base CHARGE.IN. Secara
                            finansial, disamping akan menghilangkan potensial loss semenjak SPKLU diresmikan namun belum

                            terdapat fasilitas pembayaran transaksi SPKLU, CHARGE.IN akan mendatangkan peluang untuk

                            meningkatkan revenue serta menunjang PLN sebagai leader di era EV.

                            CHARGE.IN is established as an application platform that seeks to bridge all the needs of the electric

                            vehicle ecosystem and SPKLU in terms of payment transactions, monitoring, mapping, management
                            and transaction history. The payment system in the CHARGE.IN application adopts a pay per used

                            payment system according to the kWh payment system in Indonesia. In its implementation, this
                            application uses the OCPP Server which functions to bridge communication between the charger

                            protocol and the central system and CHARGE.IN data base. Financially, in addition to the elimination

                            of potential losses since SPKLU was inaugurated but there is no SPKLU transaction payment facility,
                            CHARGE.IN will bring opportunities to increase revenue and support PLN as a leader in the EV era.

                 15              Teknologi Digital

                                 AKHLAK - Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif
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