P. 19


                                                                                             Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia

                                                                                             (persero) | Kementerian Koperasi,

                                                                                             Kementerian BUMN, PT BGR Logistics |
                               Sudah Dipasarkan                                              2020

                                         it has been marketed

                                                                                             Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (persero) | Ministry of
                                                                                             Cooperatives and SMEs, Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises,

                                                                                             PT BGR Logistics | 2020

                            Aplikasi Mobile Warung Pangan adalah aplikasi mobile yang diinisiasi oleh KEMENKOP dan KBUMN,

                            di develop oleh PT BGR Logistics dan bekerjasama dengan BUMN Cluster Pangan sebagai supplier.
                            Aplikasi ini dapat digunakan oleh UKM untuk membeli dan menjual ketersediaan komoditas pangan
                            di tempat usahanya kepada masyarakat luas.  Aplikasi ini juga mempunyai fitur untuk lacak paket,

                            update harga, menu pinjaman modal, menu pembayaran Cash on Delivery (COD) dan transfer untuk

                            pembelian pangan ke BUMN Cluster Pangan.

                            Warung Pangan Application is initiated by the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs and Ministry of State-
                            Owned Enterprises of The Republic of Indonesia, developed by PT BGR Logistics, and collaborated

                            with Food Cluster SOEs as suppliers. SMEs can use this application to buy and sell the availability
                            of food commodities in their place of business to the broader community. This application also has

                            features to track packages, update prices, capital loan menus, Cash on Delivery (COD) payment
                            menus, and transfers for food purchases to Food Cluster SOEs.

                 19              Teknologi Digital

                                 AKHLAK - Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif
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