P. 80


                            PALM OIL FERTILIZATION


                                    Prototype                                 PUPUK INDONESIA | IPB | 2019 – on going

                                                                              PUPUK INDONESIA | IPB | 2019 – on going

                            PreciPalm (Precision Agriculture Platform for Oil Palm) merupakan sistem rekomendasi pemupukan
                            tanaman kelapa sawit yang dikembangkan PI Group menggunakan teknologi satelit Sentinel 2A untuk

                            memetakan kandungan hara nutrisi makro (N, P, dan K) dan memberikan rekomendasi pemupukan
                            untuk tanaman kelapa sawit di lokasi spesifik. PreciPalm telah dikembangkan sejak tahun 2019 untuk

                            tanaman kelapa sawit di lahan mineral.

                            PreciPalm (Precision Agriculture Platform for Oil Palm) is a fertilizer recommendation system for oil

                            palm plants developed by PI Group using Sentinel 2A satellite technology to map macronutrients (N,
                            P, and K) and provides fertilizer recommendations for oil palm plants in specific locations. PreciPalm

                            has been developed since 2019 for oil palm plantations on mineral fields.

                80               Ketahanan Pangan

                                 AKHLAK - Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif
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