P. 38


                                        Produk Jadi

                                         It has been marketed                              Semen Baturaja | Inhouse | 2019-2020
                                                                                           Semen Baturaja | Inhouse | 2019-2020

                            Mortar atau semen instan merupakan bahan bangunan yang terdiri dari campuran semen, agregat
                            halus dan additif. Jenis semen mortar yang telah dikembangkan antara lain Mortar Perekat Keramik,

                            Mortar Perekat Bata Ringan, Mortar Acian Putih, Mortar Acian Abu – Abu, Mortar Pasangan Bata dan

                            Plesteran. Semen Mortar sangat berpotensi dikembangkan untuk wilayah pasar Sumbagsel namun
                            diperlukan  edukasi kepada masyarakat tentang penggunaan semen tersebut secara lebih intensif.

                            Mortar or instant cement is a building material consisting of a mixture of cement, fine aggregate and
                            additives. Types of cement mortars that have been developed include Ceramic Adhesive Mortar, Light

                            Brick Adhesive Mortar, White Acian Mortar, Ash-Age Mortar, Brick and Plastering Mortar. Cement
                            Mortar has the potential to be developed for the South Sumatra market area, but it is necessary to

                            educate the public about the use of the cement more intensively.

                38               Infrastruktur

                                 AKHLAK - Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif
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